Seven moments from the conflict in Diffa

The humanitarian community has failed to achieve a reasonably effective level in its response to the current emergency in the region of Diffa, Niger, where hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the conflict between Boko Haram and the armies in the area. This is the main conclusion of a report by MSF released today.

This failure is mainly due to three reasons: ineffective coordination and prioritisation of needs among humanitarian actors, an inability to move quickly from a development approach to an emergency approach, and limits on access to certain populations. Although aid has saved thousands of lives, it must be improved to better meet the needs.

The current humanitarian system will continue to be tested in Niger, as the context remains volatile. More adaptability needs to be built into the system, for effective future planning to prepare for predictable continuing movements and protracted and precarious displacement, and for specialised resources and methods to be deployed.