Central African Republic

Back from the field: Anais Prudent- MSF project Coordinator, CAR Bria.


YouTube Video (MdmShy49WWA)

From (end of) 2016 to (end of) 2018, Bria communities had been under attack, caught into heavy fighting between armed groups or deliberately targeted in a brutal cycle of violence and reprisals.

Such heavy fighting and mass violence did not occur in Bria in 2019 as we observed a slightly better country-wide security situation.

This allows Doctors Without Borders (MSF) teams to reach out to remote communities (within a 90 to 150km radius around Bria) who had little available healthcare during the previous 3 years (due to security and access constraints) and to boost the provision of basic healthcare.

However, this should not overshadow the pervasive violence in everyday life of Central African people. Beatings, extortion, rape, continue to be commonplace. 44,000 people remain displaced in the PK3 camp in the outskirts of Bria town.

Read more about MSF's activities in the Central African Republic