
The MUST - Mobile Unit Surgical Trailer


YouTube Video (32nUwTmcPO0)

The Mobile Unit Surgical Trailer (MUST) is essentially made up of shipping containers on wheels. In Iraq, the MUST contained a theatre, recovery room, and sterilisation unit. It’s built in a standard size and arrives just as it is.

You have to transform it into what you need it for – for example, an operating theatre was our main requirement in Iraq. The idea is to have everything on one trailer, that you then set up, in order to have a whole functional hospital where you need it

 And it’s quicker to put up these types of containers than to try and build a hospital out of bricks.

It can be trucked in and set up anywhere that medical action is needed. In 2017, our teams put up the MUST near the battle frontlines in Mosul, Iraq to provide emergency medical care to thousands of people fleeing formerly besieged areas.