Mweso General Hospital

Mental Health

Where we work, we may see people with a mental illness or confronting distressing situations, such as violence, loss or displacement.

Mental health support can be crucial to help people cope. People seek help for many reasons - the agonising loss of a child in an earthquake, the trauma of violence, or surviving a dangerous journey. People may feel stressed or anxious due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Our teams can provide mental health and psychosocial support through group sessions or individual consultations. MSF’s mental health care aims primarily to reduce people’s symptoms and improve their ability to manage a difficult time so they can get on with their lives.

IN 2021


Quick facts about mental health


3 tips for managing stress and anxiety during COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19: three tips to manage stress

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is taking its toll on people all over the world, including on their mental health. MSF teams are providing psychological support to people during the pandemic in countries worldwide. Here are three tips to help you manage any stress or anxiety you may be feeling.

Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

A day in the life of an MSF health promoter in times of COVID-19

Fieldworkers Stories 29 Apr 2020
Mental Health

Rohingya refugees left to starve at sea

Latest News 23 Apr 2020
Mental Health

"To see people like that just felt awful. It felt like the worst thing in the world."

Patient and Staff Stories 23 Apr 2020
Mental Health

Asylum seeker dies in Libya’s detention centre fire.

Press Release 3 Mar 2020
Mental Health

Safe Abortion Access for All Who Need It

Op-Ed 30 Jan 2020
Mental Health

Greece Denies Healthcare To Severely Sick Refugee Children In Lesvos

Press Release 24 Jan 2020