Councelor Celina Beatriz Chinhaja conducts an HIV pre-test and counseling with a truck driver inside the MSF car at a remote parking area outside Beira City, Mozambique
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Patient and staff stories

Eastern Cape, SA Butterworth: Landscape of Butterworth
South Africa

Treating Diabetes and Hypertension in Eastern Cape, South Africa

Patient and Staff Stories 26 Jul 2024
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, HIV, Mozambique

HIV: Still an Epidemic

Patient and Staff Stories 23 Jul 2024
Sex Workers in Malawi: In this avenue of Dedza are the bars where women engaged in sex work come every night to look for clients.

Sex Workers Take Charge of Their Health in Malawi

Patient and Staff Stories 17 Jul 2024
Wad Madani Sudan: On average, about 50 patients visit the clinic seeking medical attention.

The Struggle of Survival in Wad Madani, Sudan

Patient and Staff Stories 8 Jul 2024
Psychological Support in Ukraine: Traditional Ukrainian crafts made during a MSF health promotion activity at the Kherson hub, Vinnytsia.

Psychological Support During the Ukraine War

Patient and Staff Stories 8 Jul 2024
Sierra Leone Midwifery: Medical staff at the Maternity ward in Kenema hospital during rounds with the patients
Sierra Leone

A Midwife's Journey in Kenema, Sierra Leone

Patient and Staff Stories 3 Jul 2024