Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Terms and Conditions
The following are some guiding principles on how fundraising campaigns initiated by supporters of MSF should be done.
The following are some guiding principles on how fundraising campaigns initiated by supporters of MSF should be done. All fundraising campaigns should be conducted in a fair, accountable and legal manner. The rights of the participants should be respected. If a potential fundraising event does not adhere to any one of the below guidelines, Doctors Without Borders will deny the event.
- The event organiser must be 18 years or older or have an adult sponsor.
- An authority to fundraise must be received from Doctors Without Borders (MSF SA) before any fundraising takes place.
- If fundraisers/organisers would like to fundraise for MSF or if they would like any materials or information to support their fundraising event, they can contact donor services at donorservices@joburg.msf.org
- Funds raised must be deposited into the Doctors Without Borders (MSF SA) fundraising account within 30 days of the event.
- All media and press releases must be approved by the Doctors Without Borders (MSF SA) prior to distribution.
- Doctors Without Borders (MSF SA) must sign off all copy and check logo usage on all 3rd party promotional / marketing items or website material. This includes invitations, posters, branding, marketing material, social media and online / websites.
- MSF does not commit to providing media contacts for third-party events
- All promotional material must explicitly state how much from the event will be donated to Doctors Without Borders (MSF SA).
- Event organisers may be asked to submit the events financial records for auditing purposes.
- Third-party event content must be removed, no later than one year after the event has taken place, from all websites where promotional materials have been posted.
- Tax deductible receipts will only be provided for donations and not for donated services.
- All tax certificates are issued by MSF SA only approved by the Head of Fundraising.
- The donation amount agreed upon by the organisers and the Trust has to be stated on all material related to the event or project including, but not limited to, invitations, letters, posters, advertisements and media coverage.
- All promotional material loaned to the organiser must be collected and returned within an agreed time period and in the original condition. The material must be replaced by event/project organiser timeously if damaged or lost.
- If there are any serious concerns about the way an event is being implemented, or if the activities of the event organiser undermine MSF’s mission and values, MSF reserves the right to cancel the event agreement and withdraw involvement at any time.
- If the event is cancelled, the event organiser agrees to contact MSF at least 72 hours before the event date.