MSF Logistician Themba Sibanda


YouTube Video (f1OpMDFvfBs)

Themba Sibanda, is Zimbabwean logistician who joined MSF as a national staff member more than 9 years ago. Since then he’s worked in places including Sierra Leone and Afghanistan, where he was based two years ago when a US military attack destroyed MSF’s Kunduz Trauma Centre, killing patients and staff. “After the Kunduz bombings it was very difficult. In Afghanistan people are really close to each other. A lot of the people who died, we knew them, we always spoke to them, so it was a very difficult time for everybody,” Themba recalls. “But I still go to the field because I have confidence when I’m with MSF. And also to show the people bombing hospitals, that they cannot be stronger than MSF, we are stronger than them.”