Four-yearl-old Hamza is receiving wound care treatment in the MSF medical point in Karantina, Beirut.
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 Zalingei teaching hospital emergency department, Zalingei, Central Darfur state, Sudan.
Armed conflict

Bombs Leave Zalingei Desolate, Displaced Without Aid

Article 17 May 2024
Father carrying daughter

Strikes, raids and incursions: Seven months of relentless attacks on healthcare in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Article 13 May 2024
Fetching water in the river in Mbire, Zimbabwe. Contaminated water can cause cholera.

To win the fight against cholera, the approach must be changed

Op-Ed 3 May 2024
Ships or boats in Mozambique. Cholera.

Nearly 100 people died in a shipwreck accident fleeing cholera outbreaks

Latest News 25 Apr 2024
Dr Christos visiting the MSF hospital in Chad where Sudan refugees who fled violence are receiving medical aid.

Video | Talk about Sudan: 1 year of war

Latest News 24 Apr 2024
Malaria treatment and vaccination in Madagascar

Climate change: Providing malaria health services in Madagascar

Latest News 24 Apr 2024