Four-yearl-old Hamza is receiving wound care treatment in the MSF medical point in Karantina, Beirut.
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Life-saving genexpert: Close-up of samples collected inside MSF hospital before their analysis in the laboratory to diagnose TB cases.
Access To Medicines

An Open Letter to Danaher and Cepheid to Reduce Prices of Life-saving GenXpert Tests

Latest News 26 Jun 2024
Face Masks Mozambique : A nurse wears a reusable face mask during a patient consultation in northern Mozambique, where climate-sensitive diseases, such as those spread by mosquitoes, are common.

Disposing of Face Masks to Protect People and the Planet

Latest News 25 Jun 2024
MSF Emergency Response DRC Measles: MSF and Ministry of Health teams launch the measles vaccination campaign in Ingende, Equateur province, during a ceremony with community representatives and local health authorities.
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

DRC: MSF Emergency Team Responds to Measles Outbreak in Equateur Province

Latest News 21 Jun 2024
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Hospitals are Damaged and Closed in El Fasher Sudan
Armed conflict

Hospitals are Damaged and Closed in El Fasher as Fighting Rages

Latest News 14 Jun 2024
Climate Change World Environment Day: Current stage of the Meluli River, the main source of water for the surrounding communities in Nametil.

Climate Change: World Environment Day - 5 June

Op-Ed 5 Jun 2024
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, 40 years of providing medical care in Mozambique
Access to Healthcare

40 Years of Providing Medical Care in Mozambique

Latest News 5 Jun 2024