MSF, South Sudan, Medical Care

South Sudan: Providing access to basic healthcare in remote areas

Akobo, situated along South Sudan’s eastern border with Ethiopia, is in a remote and conflict-prone area. A steady stream of IDPs are continuing to arrive in Akobo from towns approximately 100km northwest, where persistent fighting has taken place over the recent months.

Because of the ongoing conflict and resulting displacement, the medical and humanitarian needs in the region are enormous. With Akobo being almost entirely cut-off from healthcare, this vulnerable population has no reliable option for basic medical needs.

Lacking drugs or medical staff, existing health facilities in the surrounding areas have been totally abandoned or repurposed for other uses.

To respond, MSF established a base in Akobo in late 2017 and began conducting mobile clinics that travel by boat and by car to nearby villages. An expansion to a permanent primary health care clinic in nearby Kier is already underway.

Find out more about MSF's work in South Sudan.

Photography by: Frederic NOY​