Bentiu POC
Médecins Sans Frontières

International Activity Report 2016

A year in review

Almost one-third of our projects in 2016 were dedicated to providing assistance to populations caught in wars, such as in Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria and Syria. We also provided assistance to people on the move, fleeing repression, poverty or violence, exploitation or danger as countries closed options for safe and legal routes. Our teams responded to other emergencies caused by epidemics and natural disasters and provided care and improved treatment for patients with diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV.


MSF programmes around the world

MSF has 468 projects in 71 countries. Click on the map to find out more.


Our Programmes

    The place names and boundaries used in this report do not reflect any position by MSF on their legal status.
    WW Syrians denied access to Jordan for 3rd month, MSF Ramtha project commemorates 3rd year
    All those cases were critical war injuries caused by missiles, explosive barrels, mines or bullets. Doctor Mohammad El-Momani

    2016 in figures

    Browse through key facts and figures from our activities in 2016.

    2016 in figures

    Yellow Fever Vaccination in Kinshasa


    people vaccinated against yellow fever in response to an outbreak
    MSF Emergency Response Tweets


    cases of malaria treated
    Boost Hospital, Lashkar Gah, Helmand, Afghanistan


    outpatient consultations