Four-yearl-old Hamza is receiving wound care treatment in the MSF medical point in Karantina, Beirut.
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MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Kenya, SGBV
Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Addressing sexual and gender-based violence faced by communities displaced by conflict in Baringo

Latest News 24 Jul 2024
SA Competition Commission: Image of medicine for the treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).
South Africa

MSF and HJI Welcome J&J’s Withdrawal of Patents on Lifesaving TB Drug in South Africa

Latest News 15 Jul 2024
Treatment of People Who Use Drugs in Kenya: Mburu Michael is flanked by his father (left) and uncle (right) as they arrive at the Karuri medically assisted therapy clinic in Karuri for his take home methadone dose.

Treating People Who Use Drugs in Kiambu, Kenya

Latest News 10 Jul 2024
Artisanal Miners in Zimbabwe: MSF staff assisting patients in Gwanda.

Bringing Healthcare to Artisanal Miners in Zimbabwe

Latest News 4 Jul 2024
Drug-Resistant TB in Tajikistan: One of the most difficult aspects of peadiatric TB care is diagnostics. MSF supports laboratory activities in Dushanbe to assist in all stages of diagnosis. Here, a member of an MSF team prepares samples for testing.
Drug-resistant TB

A Timeline of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Tajikistan

Latest News 3 Jul 2024
MSF, Doctors Without Borders, Year in review 2023
Annual Report

Year in Review 2023

Latest News 27 Jun 2024