Angola, Refugees

Fleeing from Kasai, taking refuge in Angola.

The camps in Cacanda and Mussungue and the Dundo area, in northern Angola, host more than 32,000 people who have fled the province of Kasaï, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

MSF teams have carried out more than 15,000 consultations in the last four months.

In April, refugees started arriving at the temporary camps, where MSF has established two clinics.

Angola, vaccination, malnutrition
A child is immunized at the Cacanda camp clinic. Photo by: Bruno Fonseca

At the same time, it started collaborating with the paediatric hospital of Chitato (which focuses on caring for acutely malnourished children among both the refugees and the local community).

In addition, MSF is preparing its teams to provide medical care to the refugees as soon they are sent to the new Lovua camp (some hundred kilometres away from Dundo).

The teams are also responsible to refer patients in need to hospital facilities. They carry out obstetrics and neonatal health programmes, outpatient malnutrition programmes, mental health services and sexual violence programmes.

Find out more about MSF's work in Angola.