Councelor Celina Beatriz Chinhaja conducts an HIV pre-test and counseling with a truck driver inside the MSF car at a remote parking area outside Beira City, Mozambique
News and Resources

Fieldworker Stories

Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

“People need information.” Teaching how to test in the time of COVID-19

Fieldworkers Stories 22 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

A day in the life of an MSF health promoter in times of COVID-19

Fieldworkers Stories 29 Apr 2020

Bracing for impact of COVID-19

Fieldworkers Stories 20 Mar 2020

Trish Newport reflects on working in an MSF Ebola Treatment Centre in the DRC

Fieldworkers Stories 13 Mar 2020
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

The Difference Between Life and Death: A Dramatic Delivery IN DRC

Fieldworkers Stories 15 Nov 2019

MSF responds to malaria outbreak in Western Sudan

Fieldworkers Stories 8 Nov 2019