Councelor Celina Beatriz Chinhaja conducts an HIV pre-test and counseling with a truck driver inside the MSF car at a remote parking area outside Beira City, Mozambique
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Patient and staff stories


Beyond war wounds: Caring for kidney transplant recipients in Syria

Patient and Staff Stories 18 Sep 2019

IRAQ: Mosul's Expectant Mothers Just Cannot Wait

Latest News 16 Sep 2019
Mental Health

Under blockade and in isolation: Treating Gaza’s infections

Patient and Staff Stories 3 Sep 2019

“He just kept running, despite the wound and the bleeding” – A 20-year-old Libyan man tells his story after I removed shrapnel from his torso

Patient and Staff Stories 22 Aug 2019

Niger: MSF forced to leave Maïné Soroa in Diffa region

Latest News 9 Aug 2019

Europe must act now to end preventable deaths in Libya and at sea

Patient and Staff Stories 6 Aug 2019